At the end of the day, it's the research that matters most.
But the awards are pretty nice, too.

Dr. Saleem's Honours, Distinctions & Awards as PI

Aug 2021
Honorable mention – Reimagine Biomedical Research for a Healthier Future Essay Challenge
Health Research Alliance (HRA) and the Public Library of Science (PLOS)
Value: USD $2500
July 2021
2020 Merit Award – Combination of Teaching, Service, and/or Research, Scholarly Work & Other Creative Activities
University of Manitoba and University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA)
Value $3000
Nov 2020
CBC Manitoba Future 40 – Class of 2020
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) | Nov 9, 2020
Nov 2019
Early Career Investigator (ECI) New PI award
Canmore, Alberta | Nov 12-14, 2019
Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (INMD), CIHR
Nov 2019
Early Career Investigator (ECI) New PI award
Ottawa, ON | Nov 1-5, 2019
Canadian Institutes of Health Research-Institute of Cancer Research (CIHR-ICR) and Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)
Sept 2019
Outstanding Team Presentation Award
Interstellar Initiative, Japanese Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) & New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
Sept 2019
Interstellar Initiative Award for Early Career Investigator (ECIs)
New York | Sept 14-16, 2019
New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
Saleem Lab Trainee Awards & Distinctions

Dr. Tamiris de Fatima Goebel de Souza:
- 2022: Research Manitoba Postdoctoral Fellowship Award ($44,100 x 1 year)
Dr. Taiana Pierdoná Martins:
- 2020: Research Manitoba Postdoctoral Fellowship Award ($44,100 x 1 year)
- 2019: Research Manitoba Postdoctoral Fellowship Award ($44,100 x 1 year)
- 2019: Developmental Origins of Chronic Diseases in Children Network (Devotion) Travel Subsidy, University of Manitoba
Patience Obi:
- Mar 2021: FKRM BIPOC Studentship ($2000)
- Sept 2020: International Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship ($6177/year)
- Sept 2019: University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship ($18K/year x 4 = $72,000)
- Sept 2019: International Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship ($6177/year)
Benjamin Bydak:
- Jan 2022: DREAM, Trainee Presentation Award – rank 3rd
- May 2021: MHRD, MSc Abstract Award ($200)
- Oct 2019: CHRD, MSc Poster Competition – Silver award
- Sept 2019: FKRM Graduate Scholarship ($6,000)
Karim Sidhom:
- Sept 2021: MMSF Award: Norman and Margaret Corne Memorial Award for Excellence and Outstanding Promise in Research during the 1st summer of the BSc(Med) Program ($1000)
- Sept 2021: BSc(Med) Student Joe Doupe Honor Presenter Award
- Sept 2021: MMCF Class of 1959 Travel Award recipient ($1250)
- 2020-2021: BSc Med Research Program ($7500/year x 2 years)
- 2019: Saint Boniface University Gold Medal recipient for the highest GPA in graduating class
- May 2019: Undergraduate Research Award (URA, $7000, declined)
- May - Aug 2019: CHRIM Summer Studentship ($6000)
Jennifer Kent:
- May - Aug 2020: CHRIM Summer Studentship ($6000)
- 2020: FKRM University Gold Medal recipient for the highest GPA in graduating class
- 2020: CHRIM summer studentship award, University of Manitoba
- 2017-2019: University of Manitoba president's scholarship (each year)
Alexandria Brooke Martin:
- May - Aug 2021: Undergraduate Research Award (URA, $7000)
- Aug 2020 - Aug 2022: Youth Advisor, Youth Advisory Council
- 2020: RBC Canada Bachelor Program Scholarship
Carlynn Davidson:
Dec 2020 – May 2021
Project: Examining the correlation between extracellular vesicles and aging
Awards: Winnipeg School Division Science Fair:
- Most Outstanding Project
- Best in Health and Wellness Category
- Gold Medal in Senior Category
Awards: Manitoba School Scence Symposium
- Adhir Bagchi Memorial Award for Excellence in Health Sciences
- Best in Health Sciences Category
- Gold Medal in Senior Category
Awards: Canada Wide Science Fair
- Excellence Award - Gold Medal in Senior Category
Jan 2020 – May 2020
Distinctions in 3 competitions held by Youth Science Canada (YSC) Online STEM Fair:
- Challenge award (top projects in the category - Health and Wellness)
- Regional award (top projects in the region)
- YSC award (top projects in the nation)